Saturday, February 5, 2022

Wisdom Series

Journey 11x14 Mixed-Media on Canvas 

Expansion 11x14 Mixed-Media on Canvas 

Abundance Mixed-Media on Canvas 

Hope 11x14 Mixed-Media on Canvas 

                                                 Balance 11x14 Mixed-Media on Canvas 

Wisdom 11x14 Mixed-Media on Canvas 

Friday, February 5, 2021

Waltz on Waves

Summer of 2009- Artist Residency - Fogo Island, Newfoundland. This project includes research, photographic documentation, painting studies, four triptychs, two slideshows and two exhibitions....and a video. 
Apparently, I am rather inspired by ice...I hope you are too!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Canada 150 Land Art Project

Mineside Trail Temporary Public Art 
Four local artists will be exhibiting their temporary art installations in West Canmore Park along the Mineside Trail.  These nature friendly temporary art installations will be free to enjoy from August 4th to October 16, 2017. This incredible exhibition of local talent will stimulate dialogue and new ways of thinking about neighbourhoods and the public realm, inspire local artists and the community as well as cultivate future public artist and audiences.

My piece is called "Centred"

I created a large-scale mandala-inspired interactive sculpture using natural found materials from the park including pine cones, sticks and river stones. My hope is that the viewers experience is contemplative, a feeling of being embraced by the circle design and the intentional arrangement of the natural materials and being surrounded by the nature of the park.


Day 1
Collecting and laying out the rock outline of the design, along with filling in the heart centrepiece

Day 2
Collecting more pine cones and sticks to complete the inner circle, and developing the circular pathway

Day 2
Gathering more sticks and stones and pinecones to keep filling in the second circle of the design and defining the path.

Day 3
More and more sticks and stones to complete the third circle and fully define the pathway for viewers and participants to experience and enjoy.

Day 3
Smoky summer day in July. Finished piece 40x40ft circle.
Thank-you Town of Canmore for this exciting opportunity and to volunteers to helped collect materials for this large-scale temporary installation.

Oct 8- Notice the path has been very well used over the past 2 months and the design has maintained its integrity!

Enjoying the heart centre on a clear autumn day.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Backcountry Blogging

October 19-Nov 2/2011
Purcell Mountain Lodge
The unique opportunity to care take this amazing back country lodge came up suddenly, and fortunately, my friend Mark and I were able to clear our schedules to take it! In the week that we have been here so far, the high alpine has transformed from rocky and snow-patchy, to completely covered by fresh champagne other words, a winter wonderland!

Accessible only by helicopter, Purcell Mountain Lodge is perched at 2200 meters (7200’) atop the high alpine slopes of Bald Mountain, in the Canadian Rockies. On the remote border of Canada’s Glacier National Park, there are over 3000 acres of gently rolling alpine meadows to enjoy and explore. The Lodge offers a ski touring program in the winter, and a hiking program in summer. We have been exploring the area by snowshoes, after taking care of our daily care taking duties, of course!

The Lodge is fascinating as well as beautiful, as it is operated by hydro-electric power generated by a nearby mountain stream. This small stream provides ample electricity and crystal-clear drinking water, as well as central heating and hot showers. Remote and comfortable! This is my second visit to Purcell Mountain Lodge. The first time was March 2010, when I was able to bring my painting supplies and make a number of paintings inspired by the area, including this one...

Altitude Elation II 24x32 Acrylic on Canvas $1500.00

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Arctic Adventure

September 12-24
I was on an amazing Arctic expedition called Heart of the Arctic offered by Adventure Canada. Our group met in Toronto and flew to Kangerlussuaq, Greenland to meet our vessel, the Ocean Nova. For the next 12 days we sailed along the west coast of Greenland and across the Davis Strait to Baffin Island (Nunavut), and northern Quebec (Nunavit). During this time we explored fjords, saw glaciers and icebergs, and picked blueberries while hiking on golden tundra. We visited remote coastal villages and watched local artists engaged in stone carving, tapestry and printmaking. We learned about traditional Inuit life "on the land" and about hunting and fishing camps. We sampled traditional "country foods" such as seal, whale, caribou and muskox, and lots of arctic fish and seafood. We viewed wildlife including seabirds, humpback whales, ringed seals and polar bears. We visited Mallikjuak Inuit archeological site in Cape Dorset and saw Greenland mummies in Nuuk. We had excellent on board lectures and presentations by experts on Inuit art, archeology and culture, Arctic biology and zoology. We had discussion and much insight from local people into contemporary northern issues due to changing climate and environment. We also had inspiring artists, musicians and filmmakers on board including Andrew and Annie Qappik, Mattiusi Iyaituk, JP Hoe and John Houston doing workshops, concerts, screenings and demonstrations. We also enjoyed the company of adventure guide and photographer extraordinaire Mike Beedell.
This was an amazing adventure and incredible learning experience!
I thank the Canada Council for the Arts for supporting my "Northern Ice" project which will use this experience and information as a base to create a series of Arctic-inspired artworks. I also thank Adventure Canada for offering such a safe, enjoyable and well staffed expedition.
I look forward to sharing my photographs and updates of this creative process through my blog, while also preparing for an upcoming public exhibition of this work.