Thursday, August 3, 2017

Canada 150 Land Art Project

Mineside Trail Temporary Public Art 
Four local artists will be exhibiting their temporary art installations in West Canmore Park along the Mineside Trail.  These nature friendly temporary art installations will be free to enjoy from August 4th to October 16, 2017. This incredible exhibition of local talent will stimulate dialogue and new ways of thinking about neighbourhoods and the public realm, inspire local artists and the community as well as cultivate future public artist and audiences.

My piece is called "Centred"

I created a large-scale mandala-inspired interactive sculpture using natural found materials from the park including pine cones, sticks and river stones. My hope is that the viewers experience is contemplative, a feeling of being embraced by the circle design and the intentional arrangement of the natural materials and being surrounded by the nature of the park.


Day 1
Collecting and laying out the rock outline of the design, along with filling in the heart centrepiece

Day 2
Collecting more pine cones and sticks to complete the inner circle, and developing the circular pathway

Day 2
Gathering more sticks and stones and pinecones to keep filling in the second circle of the design and defining the path.

Day 3
More and more sticks and stones to complete the third circle and fully define the pathway for viewers and participants to experience and enjoy.

Day 3
Smoky summer day in July. Finished piece 40x40ft circle.
Thank-you Town of Canmore for this exciting opportunity and to volunteers to helped collect materials for this large-scale temporary installation.

Oct 8- Notice the path has been very well used over the past 2 months and the design has maintained its integrity!

Enjoying the heart centre on a clear autumn day.